Sad by Design: On Platform Nihilism | Geert Lovink | 2019 |
Good: An Introduction to Ethics in Graphic Design | Lucienne Roberts | 2007 |
Critical Graphic Design: Critical of What? | Francisco Laranjo | 2014 |
Design Practices Are Not Neutral | Ramia Mazé |
Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction | Walter Benjamin | 1935 |
Design as Art | Bruno Munari | 1966 |
Shape of Things | Vilém Flusser | 1999 |
What is a designer? Things. Places. Messages | Norman Potter | 1980 |
The medium is the massage: An Inventory of Effects | Marshall McLuhan | 1967 |
Pós—Produção / Postproduction | Nicolas Bourriaud | 2000 |
A Humument | Tom Philips | 1970 |
The Street of Crocodiles | Bruno Schulz | 1992 |
Tree of Codes | Jonathan Foer | 2010 |
Junk Mail Poetry | Teresa Lima |
Fiction Practice: Prototyping the otherworldly | Mariana Pestana | 2019 |
A *New* Program for Graphic Design | David Reinfurt | 2019 |
Design by Accident | Alexandra Midal | 2019 |
Sampling Editorial | Joana Mendes |
Graphic Design: Now in Production | Jeremy Leslie | 2011 |
Citizen Designer: Perspectives on Design Responsibility | Steven Heller | 2003 |
The Graphic Design Reader | Steven Heller | 2002 |
Steal Like An Artist | Austin Kleon | 2012 |
Designing Brand Identity | Alina Wheeler | 2003 |
Design Anarchy | Kalle Lasn |
The Designer as...: Author, Producer, Activist, Entrepeneur, Curator,
and Collaborator: New Models for Communicating | Steven McCarthy | 2013 |
The Education of a Graphic Designer | Steven Heller | 1998 |
Forms of Inquiry: The Architecture Of Critical Graphic Design | Zak Kyes | 2007 |
Techniques of the observer / Técnicas do Observador | Jonathan Crary | 1990 |
Turning Pages Editorial Design For Print Media | Klanten Ehmann | 2010 |
The Book of Books: 500 Years of Graphic Innovation | Mathieu Lommen | 2012 |
O Design Que Não Vê | Mário Moura | 2018 |
The Visual History of Type | Paul McNeil | 2017 |
The Elements of Typographic Style | Robert Bringhurst | 1992 |
Design as an Attitude | Alice Rawsthorn | 2018 |
Detail in Typography | Jost Hochuli | 2015 |
The Language of Things: Understanding the World
of Desirable Objects | Deyan Sudjic | 2008 |
The Future of the Image / O Destino das Imagens | Jacques Rancière | 2003 |
The Empty Space / O Espaço Vazio | Peter Brook | 1968 |
Designing Design | Kenya Hara | 2003 |
Design is Attitude | Helmut Schmid |
Junkspace | Rem Koolhaas | 2006 |
What's Love (or Care, Intimacy, Warmth, Affection) Got to Do with It? | Paul Chan | 2017 |
Design for the Real World | Victor Papanek | 1971 |
Critical Point of View: A Wikipedia Reader | Geert Lovink,
Nathaniel Tkacz | 2011 |
Dear Reader | Atelier
Carvalho Bernau |
Visual Research — An Introduction To Research Methodologies In Graphic Design | Ian Noble,
Russell Bestley | 2004 |
Speculative Everything — Design, Fiction and Social Dreaming | Anthony Dunne,
Fiona Raby | 2013 |
Moer | Ana Jotta,
Ricardo Valentim |
Can Jokes Bring Down Governments? | Daniël Velden,
Vinca Kruk | 2016 |
The Trade of the Teacher: Visual Thinking | Mieke Bal,
Jeroen Lutters | 2018 |
The Design Activists Handbook | Noah Scalin,
Michelle Taute | 2012 |
The Electric Information Age Book | Jeffrey Schnapp,
Adam Michaels | 2012 |
McLuhan Hot and Cool: A Primer for the Understanding of McLuhan | Gerald Emanuel Stearn (Editor) | 1969 |